Every platform, every rating

'Middle-earth' game is not middle of the road

‘Middle-earth’ game is not middle of the road

Drumroll for best video game of 2014 … “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.” This game, developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, features a new type of emergent relationship between players and enemies. Called the Nemesis System, this setup tracks and remembers player actions to dynamically create and evolve unique enemies and […]

Xbox game 'Crysis 3' includes 8 gameplay modes

Xbox game ‘Crysis 3’ includes 8 gameplay modes

Crysis, what crysis? “Crysis 3” to be exact. This new Xbox 360 game from Electronic Arts and award-winning developer Crytek beats them all. With 12 visually stunning maps and eight gameplay modes (including two new Hunter modes), the multiplayer experience can’t be beat. Players fight as Prophet once again, the Nanosuit soldier who not only […]

'Guardians' video game rises to the top

‘Guardians’ video game rises to the top

In the last push before Christmas gift exchanges, video game makers are tempting consumers with quality titles. Playing off the DreamWorks animated movie “Rise of the Guardians,” the D3Publisher has released “Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game.” On Xbox 360 and Wii U, this game provided thrills as an action-packed adventure game where each […]